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High Score - Connect 4 players ranking

Connect 4 players ranking (generated by the video game iPuissance 4D). The high score is calculated automatically and update every hour.

User name:
# Player Victories & Defeats [-] Rating1 Score2
Victories Defeats Victories/Defeats Ratio Total number of games played Classic No Fill C. 10x10 C. 2 per turn Reversed Special Total
Last update: 2024-05-03 16:00:043 Pages: Previous  1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 89  Next
nina  41 111 0.42 154 1651 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1525 ±700 825
lepierrot  49 96 0.56 153 1409 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1485 ±700 785
Lapinou French 93 59 1.49 152 1668 ±700 1500 ±700 1639 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1551 ±700 851
Stranger1  89 61 1.39 152 1675 ±700 1500 ±700 1630 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1551 ±700 851
anne  61 86 0.74 150 1576 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1338 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1486 ±700 786
assassins French 57 88 0.68 148 1568 ±700 1500 ±700 1318 ±700 1662 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1508 ±700 808
renaud  96 49 1.80 147 1607 ±700 1466 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1748 ±700 1553 ±700 853
hosniomar French 28 117 0.30 146 1425 ±700 1500 ±700 1351 ±700 1280 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1426 ±700 726
bandicoot_91 French 109 37 2.53 146 2296 ±700 1500 ±700 2127 ±700 1683 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1768 ±700 1068
nadinalexia French 67 77 0.89 145 1480 ±700 1500 ±700 1419 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1483 ±700 783
elsass1664 French 103 39 2.31 144 1578 ±700 1206 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1464 ±700 764
Daddysdaddy  43 99 0.49 142 1437 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1490 ±700 790
scratchlive Belgian 71 70 1.01 141 1456 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1498 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1492 ±700 792
joelle 90  45 96 0.52 141 1538 ±700 1333 ±700 1515 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1454 ±700 1473 ±700 773
TOCADAE American 81 53 1.44 140 1585 ±700 1500 ±700 1648 ±700 1500 ±700 1338 ±700 1720 ±700 1549 ±700 849
lulu5936 French 11 126 0.15 140 1364 ±700 1295 ±700 1488 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1441 ±700 741
matleswatts French 90 44 1.85 138 2324 ±700 1500 ±700 1633 ±700 1260 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1619 ±700 919
Citron67 French 22 114 0.26 138 1398 ±700 1500 ±700 1337 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1456 ±700 756
Peterman French 27 110 0.31 138 1430 ±700 1500 ±700 1287 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1342 ±700 1426 ±700 726
loudandheard  78 57 1.31 135 1558 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1510 ±700 810

If you're logged as guest, your score is lost. If you are a registered user, each time you win or lose a round when you play on internet, your score is updated. Play well and improve your skills by reading the game strategy guide.

In the game, you can have the top15 by typing "/top15", and the points of every connected player by typing "/playerslist".

Using two or more accounts to increase your score or any other cheat activity is fobidden. The punishment goes from score reset to account ban.

1:  Rating estimation: The first number is called Rating. When you win a round your rating increases; if you lose, your rating decreases. The second number is called RD. It indicates how confident the we are about the rating (a small value means that your rating is close to your current real rating). The calculation is done with the Glicko system.

2Score = Rating - RD

3:  The high score is refreshed about every 30 min.

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