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High Score - Connect 4 players ranking

Connect 4 players ranking (generated by the video game iPuissance 4D). The high score is calculated automatically and update every hour.

User name:
# Player Victories & Defeats [-] Rating1 Score2
Victories Defeats Victories/Defeats Ratio Total number of games played Classic No Fill C. 10x10 C. 2 per turn Reversed Special Total
Last update: 2025-01-25 17:00:073 Pages: Previous  1 2 3 4 5 ... 89  Next
Puissant  4232 2087 2.02 6584 2152 ±700 1725 ±700 1794 ±700 1675 ±700 1795 ±700 1588 ±700 1788 ±700 1088
Moiwouam French 424 148 2.75 614 2136 ±700 1965 ±700 1930 ±700 1848 ±700 1792 ±700 1731 ±700 1900 ±700 1200
Angelface American 569 336 1.67 949 2000 ±700 1385 ±700 1530 ±700 1596 ±700 1787 ±700 1567 ±700 1644 ±700 944
o_O_loil German 36 42 0.88 78 2015 ±700 1649 ±700 1657 ±700 1462 ±700 1777 ±700 1315 ±700 1646 ±700 946
zazaazaz French 4775 1611 2.95 6675 2612 ±700 1885 ±700 1564 ±700 1727 ±700 1773 ±700 1693 ±700 1876 ±700 1176
Mikatenshi French 285 101 2.66 393 1732 ±700 1586 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1753 ±700 1500 ±700 1595 ±700 895
AznRiceMaker  18 6 1.75 24 1801 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1662 ±700 1750 ±700 1500 ±700 1619 ±700 919
clmoi French 174 74 2.19 254 1742 ±700 1338 ±700 1662 ±700 1547 ±700 1750 ±700 1500 ±700 1590 ±700 890
ossama French 253 172 1.45 428 2042 ±700 1829 ±700 1914 ±700 1738 ±700 1745 ±700 1739 ±700 1835 ±700 1135
Bradspelaren  24 11 1.62 35 1834 ±700 1500 ±700 1572 ±700 1576 ±700 1727 ±700 1500 ±700 1618 ±700 918
lazerpaper  20 34 0.68 56 1444 ±700 1294 ±700 1662 ±700 1653 ±700 1724 ±700 1066 ±700 1474 ±700 774
le boss French 29 33 0.91 64 1459 ±700 1699 ±700 1362 ±700 1594 ±700 1723 ±700 1500 ±700 1556 ±700 856
solid1232 French 20 15 1.20 35 1437 ±700 1236 ±700 1338 ±700 1662 ±700 1721 ±700 1720 ±700 1519 ±700 819
seelen French 9 39 0.39 48 1275 ±700 1466 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1720 ±700 1500 ±700 1494 ±700 794
blinky44 French 27 19 1.28 50 1489 ±700 1500 ±700 1278 ±700 1402 ±700 1720 ±700 1518 ±700 1484 ±700 784
Mentofresh American 13 2 1.92 15 1671 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1720 ±700 1662 ±700 1592 ±700 892
feedark French 14 1 2.18 15 1709 ±700 1720 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1720 ±700 1500 ±700 1608 ±700 908
geek French 63 53 1.16 116 1593 ±700 1500 ±700 1421 ±700 1496 ±700 1720 ±700 1500 ±700 1538 ±700 838
flore_decou French 68 134 0.54 202 1366 ±700 1352 ±700 1588 ±700 1500 ±700 1720 ±700 1284 ±700 1468 ±700 768
luciexx French 35 24 1.32 59 1599 ±700 1500 ±700 1629 ±700 1552 ±700 1720 ±700 1500 ±700 1584 ±700 884

If you're logged as guest, your score is lost. If you are a registered user, each time you win or lose a round when you play on internet, your score is updated. Play well and improve your skills by reading the game strategy guide.

In the game, you can have the top15 by typing "/top15", and the points of every connected player by typing "/playerslist".

Using two or more accounts to increase your score or any other cheat activity is fobidden. The punishment goes from score reset to account ban.

1:  Rating estimation: The first number is called Rating. When you win a round your rating increases; if you lose, your rating decreases. The second number is called RD. It indicates how confident the we are about the rating (a small value means that your rating is close to your current real rating). The calculation is done with the Glicko system.

2Score = Rating - RD

3:  The high score is refreshed about every 30 min.

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