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High Score - Connect 4 players ranking

Connect 4 players ranking (generated by the video game iPuissance 4D). The high score is calculated automatically and update every hour.

User name:
# Player Victories & Defeats [-] Rating1 Score2
Victories Defeats Victories/Defeats Ratio Total number of games played Classic No Fill C. 10x10 C. 2 per turn Reversed Special Total
Last update: 2024-09-09 20:00:053 Pages: Previous  1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 89  Next
MEL13  15 22 0.78 37 1143 ±700 1662 ±700 1180 ±700 1528 ±700 1662 ±700 1662 ±700 1473 ±700 773
Gweg French 320 96 3.11 446 1946 ±700 1662 ±700 1904 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1669 ±700 969
FG972 French 74 45 1.53 119 1554 ±700 1662 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1536 ±700 836
Relink  18 25 0.80 43 1801 ±700 1662 ±700 1345 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1202 ±700 1502 ±700 802
qback29  46 32 1.33 84 1648 ±700 1662 ±700 1567 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1563 ±700 863
pringls American 11 12 0.95 23 1381 ±700 1662 ±700 1460 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 800
Lyt  32 25 1.20 57 1517 ±700 1662 ±700 1503 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1504 ±700 1531 ±700 831
nicoconabc  28 40 0.76 70 1563 ±700 1662 ±700 1548 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1324 ±700 1516 ±700 816
toto3529  1 0 1.10 1 1500 ±700 1662 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1527 ±700 827
quentl59 French 5 6 0.94 11 1400 ±700 1662 ±700 1485 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1508 ±700 808
mariiiine French 42 71 0.64 113 1454 ±700 1662 ±700 1338 ±700 1500 ±700 1338 ±700 1662 ±700 1492 ±700 792
Peter  2 1 1.09 3 1500 ±700 1649 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1525 ±700 825
o_O_loil German 36 42 0.88 78 2015 ±700 1649 ±700 1657 ±700 1462 ±700 1777 ±700 1315 ±700 1646 ±700 946
 French 334 174 1.87 528 1726 ±700 1647 ±700 1654 ±700 1431 ±700 1615 ±700 1557 ±700 1605 ±700 905
sony002 French 49 51 0.97 102 1632 ±700 1646 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1546 ±700 846
chakalo French 104 77 1.31 181 1927 ±700 1641 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1751 ±700 1636 ±700 936
nasucciu French 26 64 0.49 90 1443 ±700 1640 ±700 1488 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1512 ±700 812
Joe American 345 241 1.41 600 1654 ±700 1639 ±700 1654 ±700 1235 ±700 1458 ±700 1514 ±700 1526 ±700 826
ania French 702 563 1.24 1295 1578 ±700 1635 ±700 1567 ±700 1247 ±700 1662 ±700 1643 ±700 1556 ±700 856
stephane M French 870 621 1.39 1533 1648 ±700 1632 ±700 1500 ±700 1467 ±700 1569 ±700 1500 ±700 1553 ±700 853

If you're logged as guest, your score is lost. If you are a registered user, each time you win or lose a round when you play on internet, your score is updated. Play well and improve your skills by reading the game strategy guide.

In the game, you can have the top15 by typing "/top15", and the points of every connected player by typing "/playerslist".

Using two or more accounts to increase your score or any other cheat activity is fobidden. The punishment goes from score reset to account ban.

1:  Rating estimation: The first number is called Rating. When you win a round your rating increases; if you lose, your rating decreases. The second number is called RD. It indicates how confident the we are about the rating (a small value means that your rating is close to your current real rating). The calculation is done with the Glicko system.

2Score = Rating - RD

3:  The high score is refreshed about every 30 min.

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