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High Score - Connect 4 players ranking

Connect 4 players ranking (generated by the video game iPuissance 4D). The high score is calculated automatically and update every hour.

User name:
# Player Victories & Defeats [-] Rating1 Score2
Victories Defeats Victories/Defeats Ratio Total number of games played Classic No Fill C. 10x10 C. 2 per turn Reversed Special Total
Last update: 2024-05-06 03:00:043 Pages: Previous  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 89  Next
God  28 8 2.11 36 1578 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1513 ±700 813
patlepat French 654 305 2.11 986 2026 ±700 1486 ±700 1911 ±700 1758 ±700 1500 ±700 1628 ±700 1718 ±700 1018
smartie  78 32 2.10 114 1865 ±700 1500 ±700 1764 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1587 ±700 1619 ±700 919
dumdidum  17 3 2.08 22 2244 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1305 ±700 1500 ±700 1591 ±700 891
coucou  138 62 2.06 212 1744 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1250 ±700 1500 ±700 1499 ±700 799
The Lorax American 80 34 2.05 114 1635 ±700 1500 ±700 1638 ±700 1338 ±700 1662 ±700 1500 ±700 1545 ±700 845
Cyphix British 90 39 2.04 129 1610 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1518 ±700 818
Puissant  4232 2087 2.02 6584 2152 ±700 1725 ±700 1794 ±700 1675 ±700 1795 ±700 1588 ±700 1788 ±700 1088
guillaume740 French 654 320 2.01 978 2297 ±700 1794 ±700 1902 ±700 1646 ±700 1896 ±700 2197 ±700 1955 ±700 1255
Golbez American 10 0 2.00 10 2125 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1604 ±700 904
goguepr  16 3 2.00 20 1672 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1529 ±700 829
Arethusa French 37 14 1.96 51 1778 ±700 1500 ±700 2070 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1641 ±700 941
  1396 708 1.96 2186 1891 ±700 1662 ±700 1850 ±700 1491 ±700 1500 ±700 1495 ±700 1648 ±700 948
seb97200  27 9 1.95 38 1538 ±700 1500 ±700 1829 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1561 ±700 861
John4100 Belgian 27 9 1.95 38 1632 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1522 ±700 822
webkiller95 French 25 8 1.94 34 1655 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1526 ±700 826
samantha  79 36 1.93 115 1317 ±700 1500 ±700 1530 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1338 ±700 1447 ±700 747
rweis100 Belgian 46 19 1.93 67 1800 ±700 1608 ±700 1588 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1583 ±700 883
CaNDY GRl 37 American 40 16 1.92 58 1555 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1509 ±700 809
Mentofresh American 13 2 1.92 15 1671 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1720 ±700 1662 ±700 1592 ±700 892

If you're logged as guest, your score is lost. If you are a registered user, each time you win or lose a round when you play on internet, your score is updated. Play well and improve your skills by reading the game strategy guide.

In the game, you can have the top15 by typing "/top15", and the points of every connected player by typing "/playerslist".

Using two or more accounts to increase your score or any other cheat activity is fobidden. The punishment goes from score reset to account ban.

1:  Rating estimation: The first number is called Rating. When you win a round your rating increases; if you lose, your rating decreases. The second number is called RD. It indicates how confident the we are about the rating (a small value means that your rating is close to your current real rating). The calculation is done with the Glicko system.

2Score = Rating - RD

3:  The high score is refreshed about every 30 min.

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