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High Score - Connect 4 players ranking

Connect 4 players ranking (generated by the video game iPuissance 4D). The high score is calculated automatically and update every hour.

User name:
# Player Victories & Defeats [-] Rating1 Score2
Victories Defeats Victories/Defeats Ratio Total number of games played Classic No Fill C. 10x10 C. 2 per turn Reversed Special Total
Last update: 2024-05-07 19:00:033 Pages: Previous  1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 89  Next
gi2 German 132 71 1.75 209 1736 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1384 ±700 1520 ±700 820
themax French 187 61 2.77 250 1736 ±700 1615 ±700 2015 ±700 1497 ±700 1801 ±700 1942 ±700 1768 ±700 1068
hichem French 26 10 1.80 36 1736 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1539 ±700 839
4*child American 6 1 1.45 7 1735 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1539 ±700 839
landry French 54 101 0.58 157 1735 ±700 1214 ±700 1500 ±700 1152 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1433 ±700 733
imranahmed5 British 165 178 0.93 355 1735 ±700 1442 ±700 1318 ±700 1372 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1478 ±700 778
oufrid  1386 396 3.44 1844 1734 ±700 1581 ±700 1668 ±700 1740 ±700 1610 ±700 1660 ±700 1666 ±700 966
Testoouile French 1 0 1.10 1 1733 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1539 ±700 839
Mikatenshi French 285 101 2.66 393 1732 ±700 1586 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1753 ±700 1500 ±700 1595 ±700 895
guero13 American 7 6 1.06 13 1732 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1539 ±700 839
Lunaris0801 French 6 14 0.67 20 1731 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1539 ±700 839
 Belgian 18 9 1.47 27 1730 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1538 ±700 838
zugzwang American 140 144 0.97 298 1729 ±700 1334 ±700 1500 ±700 1378 ±700 1303 ±700 1551 ±700 1466 ±700 766
yann31foot French 564 345 1.62 927 1728 ±700 1562 ±700 1673 ±700 1610 ±700 1822 ±700 1514 ±700 1652 ±700 952
princesse French 67 67 1.00 134 1727 ±700 1689 ±700 1709 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1604 ±700 904
learning28 American 5 3 1.15 8 1727 ±700 1500 ±700 1508 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1539 ±700 839
Ronaldo French 53 16 2.42 70 1726 ±700 1500 ±700 1463 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1532 ±700 832
 French 334 174 1.87 528 1726 ±700 1647 ±700 1654 ±700 1431 ±700 1615 ±700 1557 ±700 1605 ±700 905
judokenforce French 33 14 1.79 48 1725 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1582 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1551 ±700 851
str8moes American 59 31 1.68 92 1723 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1347 ±700 1500 ±700 1500 ±700 1512 ±700 812

If you're logged as guest, your score is lost. If you are a registered user, each time you win or lose a round when you play on internet, your score is updated. Play well and improve your skills by reading the game strategy guide.

In the game, you can have the top15 by typing "/top15", and the points of every connected player by typing "/playerslist".

Using two or more accounts to increase your score or any other cheat activity is fobidden. The punishment goes from score reset to account ban.

1:  Rating estimation: The first number is called Rating. When you win a round your rating increases; if you lose, your rating decreases. The second number is called RD. It indicates how confident the we are about the rating (a small value means that your rating is close to your current real rating). The calculation is done with the Glicko system.

2Score = Rating - RD

3:  The high score is refreshed about every 30 min.

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